Wednesday 3 April 2013

♥♥ Lush Haul & Review ♥♥

How is everyone?

So today i am going to be writing about my Buys and experience from Lush !!!!
Now i only went to lush because i got given a voucher for £40 i was going to give it to someone for a Birthday present, but i am glad i didn't Because O.M.G i am in love with lush it is my new fave shop :) 
So i am going to start of by telling you what i bought and a little picture to show you what it looks like with a short description on the smell  
I got X2 FUN bars i got the Pink one and the Green one
This cost £5 for 200g
Now i have to say these smell amazing
These are perfect for family time if you have toddlers 
There like Play Dough but you can bath with them :) 
They smell sooooo nice
Pink = A sweet sensation of heaven
this is what it says on the packet
Jam packed with the fruity candy smells of childhood 
It leaves your skin feeling like velvet, got to try it your self to find out :) 
The Green one is more of a citrus smell
I don't have a label on this one due to it being given to me as a freebie but i looked it up and this is the discription 
A citrus burst of tangy lime and lemon essential oils will wake you up, keep you feeling fresh and focused and help you play for hours.
This also cost £5  
Next i got the Sex Bomb Bath Bomb
 £3.20 for 200g
  This is the most relaxing smell i have come across I love the smell of jasmine
Perfect after a long hard day at work....
The Lush Description is a perfect way to describe it
  This ballistic is packed full of every sensual, relaxing oil we could find. Clary sage, jasmine and ylang ylang, blended into a classic musk base. We then packed it full of soya milk, so you can step out of the bath feeling like Cleopatra.
I couldn't agree more :) 

 This is the Ayesha Face mask 
£5.95 / 75g
 Now i love my face masks and this is one of my number ones...It is Kiwi Based
Flipping love it. I highly recommend this...It leaves you skin super soft and feeling brand new, Its just MAGIC
Lush description is
When you don’t have a flame of immortality to bathe in, try this instead
This mask was designed for those times when you want to make a quick difference to your face, for a night out. 
We wanted something that could give the skin a tautness and smoothness. But we are realists and we know that it is impossible for a face mask to give the same effects as a face lift – but for a few hours, this can make the very most of the skin you have. Even if we can't guarantee it past midnight.

My next perches was the
American Cream Conditioner  £4.95 / 100g 
Now this product all i can say is WOW...I dont know if other people experience heaviness with (named brand conditioners) But this leaves your hair feeling light and flowing...With that hair whipping freshness the smell scents your hair for over 48 hours I wash my hair every 2 days and the sent was still there
Lush describes this as 
Bring all the boys to the yard with this strawberry vanilla milkshake conditioner
A beautiful fruit and vanilla conditioner that really does the job. 
This is a thick heavy conditioner, but won’t leave the hair weighted down or heavy. Its combination of honey, strawberries and fresh orange juice in a thick lanolin conditioner base, will make the hair soft, manageable and easy to comb.

 My next buy was the 
It's raining men Shower Gel 
£4.25 / 100g

 This is not for me I personally don't like this, The scent is to sweet for me
But after using in the shower i have to say it leaves me feeling soft and squeaky clean

 There is not much more i can say on this apart from don't knock it till you have tried it all people have different opinions 
Lush Discription 
Bring all the boys to the yard with this strawberry vanilla milkshake conditioner
A beautiful fruit and vanilla conditioner that really does the job. 
This is a thick heavy conditioner, but won’t leave the hair weighted down or heavy. Its combination of honey, strawberries and fresh orange juice in a thick lanolin conditioner base, will make the hair soft, manageable and easy to comb.

My next buy was the
Sweetie Pie Shower Jelly
£3.10 / 100g
Sweetie pie is what it is the Heavenly scents of Cherry's
the aroma of sweetie pie lingers in your Bathroom for hours 
Silky smooth skin after every use always a winner with me
        Lush description

If a bar of soap and a bottle of shower gel had a steamy affair, this would be the resulting jelly baby 

Cherries, coconut, jelly and sparkles – this is a party in a pot.  Makes every day feel like it’s your birthday. 
This is a sweet, sweet little cutie-pie.  We start this jelly by making an infusion with cherries and coconut, we then add carrageen seaweed and boil it up until it turns all jelly and wobbly on us. Then we have to get it into the mould quickly, before it sets in the pan ! 

The next thing is the Karma Komba shampoo bar
5.25 / 55g
Now i have to say this is pretty pricey for a shampoo but i jumped it and thought what the hell...I am glad i did because it is worth every penny...My hair is so soft and bouncy i combine this with the American Cream conditioner...My hair is so full of life its unreal
The Lush description of this is 
 Good Karma, good hair
Gives a lovely wash with great lather – and leaves you smelling of Karma.
Karma is our signature fragrance and has been around since the start of Lush. Here we have tried to give a lovely shampoo bar that doesn’t just get your hair clean but will also leave your hair wafting of Karma fragrance all day.

The other Shampoo bar was the 
Jumping Juniper 
£5.25 / 55g
 Amazing for greasy hair that is all i can say because i have only used it once.
My sisters statement on this is 
O.M.F.G. this is the best thing i have ever used my hair feels frigging brilliant
"Where did you get this from & Can i take this home" 

Lol so it must be good as lush shampoo has pulled her away from a Named brand lol 
Lush description 
Get greasy hair jumping
Jumping Juniper is made from our solid shampoo base with added ingredients to help oily hair have shine and bounce.

Now the next few things i did not purches these where given to me to review 

First thing i was given was the  
Ro’s Argan Body Conditioner 
£15.50 / 225g

Now i have to say i do not care how expensive this is i will be going out and purchasing this myself..... I am amazed at how soft this leaves my skin just after 2 applications......
Lush Description
A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.
Ro knows good rose and her nose knows it!
Packed full of ingredients to feed and nourish the skin; argan oil, cocoa butter, cupuaçu butter, brazil nut oil, almond oil and fair trade shea butter.
We didn’t think there was any room left after all those ingredients – but we just managed to squeeze in some goji berry juice in here too.

And lastly
£10.95 / 240g
All i can say it is what it says 
Nothing else could decribe it 
Perfect for sensitive skin 

Lush Description
Hello. Is it me you're looking for?
Life partner for sensitive skin
Our number one Lush product.
A soothing and cooling cream that is designed to go on even the most sensitive and easily upset skins.
Can be used on any skin types.
An elegant, simple formula that contains only ingredients that are likely to help with hot, itchy skin.

Now the bit i love, The feedback from the shop it self 
Now i went into Lush Warrington (United Kingdom) 
not knowing what i wanted, I was presented with a welcoming smile and a friendly greeting..
The Girl who helped me pick out the products i have purchased was the most polite well mannered, well presented  person i have ever come across her name was Scharlotte...
The advice she gave me and she knew the products inside out 
What i wonderful Experience i had and I WILL be going back
Signing Off for now

Bellissima Script Redux 

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